September! I am super excited that our twins have hit month 4 of life.
Why being 4
months old rocks:
- C & B are down to 5 feedings a day (the first 8 weeks we had 8-10 feedings a day).
- C & B are more expressive with their smiles and sounds.
- C & B are not mobile (yet) and are content with watching Tyson and the world around them.
- C & B are able to grasp their baby toys/rattles.
Twins with their Aunt Lindsay
Mr. C
Missy B
Caleb likes:
people watching.
Caleb dislikes:
being in a swaddle.
Tender moments:
singing to Caleb.
Bria likes: sucking
on her fingers.
Bria dislikes: nursing-
she prefers the bottle.
Tender moments:
singing to Bria.