Tyson and McKenna hanging out before bedtime
A busy Thanksgiving holiday playing outside Tyson's first flag football match = "Ready! Break!"
Tyson and McKenna hanging out before bedtime
A busy Thanksgiving holiday playing outside Tyson's first flag football match = "Ready! Break!"
Petting Zoo Day at Tyson's school
Airplane ride at Schnepf Farms
Cousins: both are growing up so fast!
Gotcha with a smile! Tyson wasn't interested in taking any photos all day, but I got this one.Sunday afternoon lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Tober = not in a "say cheese" mood
Near Seal Beach
La Jolla
With Nick and Aunt Claudia on our last night
Splash pad with buddies
First car washMikey and Bran's house :-)
McKenna wearing her 4th of July outfit and Tyson and David sporting Grandpa's crazy hats.
chron-i-cle: an historical account of events arranged in chronological order. Typically, equal weight is given for historically important events and local events seen from the perspective of the chronicler.